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Productivity increase with Agile Working


Agile Working: Productivity rises as long as employees can choose where and when they work 

Productivity and teamwork may benefit if employees can choose where they work. This is the result of a research into trends into agile working of Polycom Inc., the leading provider of collaboration solutions enabling organizations to teamwork and bring efficiency and productivity to a higher level. The research provides insight into the key benefits and challenges of a flexible working culture for employees and employers. Although the results vary from country to country, there are three important trends.

Productivity increase with Agile Working

Location-independent work

First of all the large majority of the respondents (98 percent) agree that a way of working that is anytime and anywhere, increases productivity because people themselves can choose the workplace where they are most productive. Secondly, 92 percent of the respondents said that working together via videoconferencing benefits the teamwork. Finally, the research shows that 62 percent of global flexible workforce, work more than ever before. Digital transformation is partly responsible for this, because this ensures that companies start looking for new ways to be faster and more efficient. More and more companies innovate, develop a better work culture and retain this talent to stay ahead of the competition.

Collaborate through technology

In Europe, the majority of respondents regularly work agile. It is striking that two-thirds of the respondents (78 percent) have colleagues in other offices. The use of collaboration technologies contributes to colleagues working closer together. As a result, these colleagues now know eachother better, a trend that is noticeable throughout the world. Polycoms research shows a significant shift in work habits throughout the region, offering the employees the flexibility to work from home or from whatever place to work. A development that is very important now that the majority of employees is looking for a better work life balance.


66 percent of millennials is afraid that it appears that they work less hard when they are out of the office. A concern that is shown with 62 percent of all respondents all over the world. When organizations want to track the fast pace of digital transformation, so must there be a change in attitude and often a change in corporate culture. With performance measure based on results rather than the number of hours worked, employees can be sure that the management know that presence at work is not synonymous with good working habits. Technology is at the heart of this change of work culture. With the right collaboration technologies helps teams work together and have the same access to resources as employees when they are in the office. The office interior will also require a rethink as it will need less workstations than the organisation has employees. The interior design will need a greater emphasisis on collaborative spaces and meeting places. For advice and office furniture we would recommend to contact the leading Glasgow interiors company McKellar Office Furniture Glasgow.

“Previously we predicted all that 2017 would be the year of video, and it’s good to note that people increasingly recognise the benefits of this. “indeed, said Jim Kruger, CMO of Polycom.” The results of the study also show that companies must have tools for video and cooperation, so that workers can continue to hold more intensive contact with their colleagues. Offering flexible work and eventually the right collaboration tools make organisations more attractive for top talent and contributes to retaining talent.